Hamo Dell and Daniel Sugrue

Hamo Dell and Daniel Sugrue

Bachelor of Contemporary Music

One of New Zealand’s top reggae bands ‘Tomorrow People’ has recently recruited two Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) Bachelor of Contemporary Music graduates.

Hamo Dell and Daniel Sugrue were both recommended for the band by an SIT audio tutor.

“Sometimes it's who you know not what you know,” says Daniel.

“I would never have made the connection if it weren't for the people I met during my study.”

Both Daniel and Hamo were initially drawn to SIT due to the Zero Fee scheme, but another big selling point for Daniel was the credibility of the tutors taking the course.

“There was a strong focus on learning to read and understand the theoretical side of music, which I wanted to learn first and foremost,” he says.

Daniel invested the majority of his time and energy in his final years at high school on music, therefore a career in the industry was inevitable.

“The most enjoyable thing for me would probably have to be the amount of time we got to spend performing live and playing with other people,” he says.

“Learning an instrument is one thing, but learning to play it musically with other people is a whole different thing and I enjoyed how the course factored this in.”

Hamo was based in Invercargill, so for her, SIT was the obvious choice.

She had always loved music, singing and performing, but knew very little about it.

“Starting the course was the perfect opportunity for me to get a better understanding of all that’s involved with contemporary music.”

Hamo said the course was perfect for her, touching on many aspects of music, singing, performance, the industry and a whole lot more.

“It teaches the fundamentals of music and the industry, it is then up to the student to expand on those teachings.”

“The most enjoyable aspect of the course for me would definitely be the performing,” she says.

“Throughout the course you’re given the chance to watch or perform with people who have experience in the music industry and I enjoyed being able to learn from that.”

Hamo is the female vocalist for Tomorrow People and says since joining she has been exposed to a range of exciting experiences that she has learnt from.

“In five years’ time my biggest hope is to be travelling the world performing and living off original music.”

Daniel plays the drums in the band and says the most exciting thing that has happened since joining the band is meeting some of his idols in the New Zealand music industry.

“Every experience is new and exciting and often I am ticking things off my goal list.

“Notably though would have to be recording an album with other talented and well known musicians and hearing it play on the radio.”

“That is always something special.”