Alvi Nanat

Alvi Nanat

Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting major)

Originally from the Philippines, Alvi Nanat moved to Southland as a teenager and enrolled in the Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting major) at the Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) straight out of school.
She heard about SIT through a school visit and as an international student was fortunate to receive a scholarship and study with zero fees.
Alvi says SIT was a great place to study, and she would recommend the institute to others.
“It is situated in an amazing city where people are so friendly and accommodating,” she says.
“I also really like that SIT has a dynamic environment.”
“In classrooms, there are different types of people – young students who came straight from high school, students who are already working or have worked before, students with families, students who are more mature, international students who have work experience.”
“This environment, along with the class sizes, allows for meaningful discussions, new ideas and fresh perspectives.”
“There are so many things to learn from different people.”
Having the expectation of a great quality education at SIT, Alvi says she wasn’t disappointed.
“What I love about studying accounting at SIT is that most of the tutors have worked in the field before, which means in lectures, we get an insight of what it is like to work in the accounting industry.
“Furthermore, lectures do not only focus on accounting theory, but also on practical application of those theories.”
Alvi thoroughly enjoyed the classes where tutors split the lectures into theory and practical.
“We would have one class on accounting theory and the other class would be the practical application of the theory,” she says.
She believes studying at SIT helped her to cultivate a fresh perspective. 
“Most tutors have already worked in the industry and we also have tutors who are doing research and working towards their PhDs. Thus, there are different perspectives involved in the learning.
“Furthermore, I met different kinds of people in different circumstances and it was amazing learning from them.” 
In terms of the accounting profession, Alvi believes that SIT has prepared her to be able to obtain a good job and contribute to the industry. 
“I applied for an internship from and from there I was offered a graduate role which will start in Feb 2020,” Alvi says.
“I have already started working since I finished my degree as I took on a couple of fixed term contracts before the graduate programme I am on starts.” 
Alvi is currently working as an auditor in the public sector. She would like to be a Chartered Accountant in the future.