Anna Rees

Anna Rees

New Zealand Certificate in Interior Décor (Level 4)

#Graduate #SIT2LRN #Interior Decor

From childhood memories of redecorating her bedroom every few weeks, Anna Rees is now working for one of New Zealand’s leading designers thanks to her SIT2LRN studies.


Anna completed the New Zealand Certificate in Interior Décor in 2019, but that’s not how her SIT2LRN story starts.


In fact, it was only after Anna opted to delay the second year of a Bachelor of Applied Management that a path into design opened up.


“As someone who identifies as a creative more than an academic, it had always been my intention to complete the Bachelor of Applied Management and pursue a career in the creative industries,” she said.


Working at the Franklin Arts Centre in Pukekohe, Anna became aware her career was not developing the way she had hoped and felt she needed a greater level of education. So she decided on the Bachelor of Applied Management through SIT2LRN, which aims to produce graduates with the personal and professional skills necessary to be successful in demanding and evolving business environments.


“The flexibility of studying with SIT2LRN allowed me to continue my part-time role at the arts centre while providing the opportunity to focus on my education, in a liberating and affordable manner,” Anna said.


However, after completing Year 1 of the degree, health complications forced her to take a short break.


Missing having study goals to aim for, she wanted a short-term course to fill the gap and came across the New Zealand Certificate in Interior Décor (Level 4).


“It became immediately clear to me that this was the exact course I was looking for. I have fond memories as a child of redecorating and rearranging my bedroom furniture every few weeks or so. They were proud moments of mine when I was able to create a successful new look with items I already had.  


“This passion for interior design has followed me throughout my adult years; it never ceases to amaze me the impact a fresh coat of paint can achieve, sewing some new cushions or adding a statement piece.”


However, the New Zealand Certificate in Interior Décor (Level 4) taught Anna how to understand interior design on a technical level.


“I found that I had already been applying a lot of what I was learning, but unknowingly. Through the course I was introduced to new terminology, theories and principles that are used throughout the industry. This was practical and priceless knowledge I wasn't aware I lacked and would value as much as I do now.” 



Anna is now working for one of New Zealand's leading contemporary furniture and accessories designers, Tim Webber Design. She believes her recent study played a large part in her getting the job.


“For the first time ever, I am interacting daily with interior designers and I am able to do so with confidence, thanks to SIT2LRN. Design is a leading edge industry and I am constantly learning. The New Zealand Certificate in Interior Décor has given me a solid foundation to grow and develop from.”