Tegan Ramage

Tegan Ramage

Bachelor of Architectural Technology Graduate

#Graduate Profile #Architecture

Southlander Tegan Ramage chose to study at SIT  to make a better future for herself and her family, by pursuing a field of study she was interested in, she completed the three-year Bachelor of Architectural Technology, graduating at the end of 2020.


Being a solo mother she also needed to look after her family while she studied, and living in nearby Mataura, it was achievable; it was close enough for her to still get home in time to pick her children up from school.


Tegan said drawing and creating were the favourite parts of the course for her. She learned how to use new programs such as: Revit, Photoshop, Sketch-up, Rhino, and Grasshopper. These programs are beneficial, by utilising technology in Architecture, it keeps the user moving forward in their occupation.  She also learnt how to use BIM (Building Information Modelling), which she said was a very interesting process, and she could see the definite benefits of using it in the work place. 


An especially rewarding aspect for Tegan was the research assignment at Murihiku Marae, where she created a virtual tour/walk-through of the wharenui/ meeting house.  She said she learnt from the kaumatua/elders and whanau/family at the marae, who took the time to share their Māori tikanga/knowledge with her.


“I am still working on this project, in order to develop something that will be both useful and educational for all Māori who are connected to this rohe/region, and the Murihiku Marae whanau”. 


Other highlights were field-trips to Queenstown, which allowed an amazing opportunity to learn from experts in the field of Architecture. 


“The amount of expertise and knowledge was incredible.  Having such opportunities as these have helped shape me and taught me to: one – persevere, two – endure, and three - succeed”.


Some of the most enjoyable and memorable experiences Tegan had at SIT were through building friendships and discovering more about other cultures within the assortment of local and international students.


“Spending time with my classmates, forming relationships with international students, and sharing knowledge in the field we were studying (similarities/differences). We also enjoyed sharing meals from their home towns, which was fantastic!”


Tegan found there was a supportive learning environment throughout the duration of her course, not only with the teaching staff, but also amongst the other students in her class.


 “My tutors were great! They offered support and when needed, their expertise.  I found they were approachable and friendly and had a real open-door policy”.


“My classmates were the best, we were able to be each others’ sounding boards and support each other. Having all the necessary equipment, and having some supplied, made me feel valued as student and it really helped us in our studies”.


Tegan can see new doors opening in the future since completing her degree. She’s intending to find work this year and eventually start her own building practice.


“I believe that with my studies and time at SIT, I am definitely a lot more confident in myself and I know that I will achieve success”.


“I really enjoyed my time at SIT, the atmosphere, the people and the knowledge was amazing!”