From rural beginnings in Southland, Dylan-Tane Moore has found himself in a nursing career and is well on his way to achieving his goal of becoming a Nurse Practitioner.
The Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) graduate grew up in the small town of Balfour with his 2 younger brothers, in a single-parent family. Originally from a farming background, he felt there was more out there for him to find in terms of a vocation, and what he wanted to do with his life.
When he was told he wouldn’t get University Entrance at high school, it brought out a resolve in him to achieve the qualification, which he successfully accomplished.
“I fought hard to show those that I could do it, easily passing, and gaining endorsements along the way”.
He’d always wanted to pursue the medical field but was unsure of which direction to head, so he took up the opportunity to utilise the Incubator Programme at SDHB with Co-Ordinator Jan Tait in year 13 at Northern Southland College. The programme is designed to foster student passion for a career in health, by mentoring year 12 and 13 students.
Through the programme he was able to experience a broad spectrum of healthcare, and he said “it was from that day on I knew my heart was in nursing”.
Another personal experience shaping Dylan’s career path, was how his family were treated at Hospice Southland when his great- grandfather passed away.
“These special moments I have taken forward with me in every day of my career” he said.
During his three years of study at SIT, Dylan said the tutors were extremely supportive, and there was a real feel of that Southland family vibe.
He said SIT Nursing students are extremely fortunate to have such vast and excellent placements; many other nursing students don’t get to experience such a huge variety of specialities and areas of practise.
“ A broad variety of Surgical, Medical, Emergency, Aged Care and Community placements were offered, allowing time for myself to find my feet and begin to have an interest in the field I wished to pursue at that time”.
This broad experience at student level makes all the difference when first starting out in nursing.
“When beginning in the work force, the experience you are exposed to as a student, really shows against others”.
He also said the Health Science component SIT offers in its Nursing programme is invaluable and has a excellent association with clinical practise.
With a sound work ethic, Dylan has worked part-time since high school to assist him in achieving his goals. While at high school, he was riding, schooling, competing, and selling horses.
“SIT supported me with getting a job when I first moved to Invercargill. Whilst studying I worked part-time in hospitality and then in Aged Care doing mainly weekend night shifts, fitting it in with placements”.
SIT School of Nursing has helped shape Dylan by offering an all-rounded, experienced, compassionate and professional nursing programme that maintains close relationships with its students. He says this ensures trust, a good rapport and promotes independence, all while teaching important values in nursing.
Whilst he’s currently work in Critical Care, managing acutely unwell and deteriorating patients, Dylan isn’t resting on his laurels. This motivated individual is still studying towards higher qualifications.
After graduating with a Bachelor Of Nursing from SIT (2018), he’s now completing a Postgraduate Certificate in Health Science - Advanced Nursing (University of Auckland) for 2020, then is due to
finish his Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science - Advanced Nursing (University of Auckland) in 2021.
His long-term plans are to continue with postgraduate study, working towards his goal of attaining the role of Nurse Practitioner.
“I also plan on travelling and nursing across the world, a perfect work/play balance”.
Dylan says he would recommend SIT School of Nursing to prospective students, because they possess a sound clinical set, incorporating holistic and Maori perspectives which are key to a successful nursing career in NZ.