Three courses in three years at Southern Institute of Technology and a part time job as well has paid off for Georgina Galloway.
Georgina studied a Certificate in Veterinary Nursing and a Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (Rural Animal Technician) at SIT.
In her first year of study, she started working at Waikiwi Vet Services, working 4-6pm after her course work each day.
By the third year, she was working a couple of days a week.
It wasn’t all plain sailing though.
At one stage she had 12 assignments in just two months. So how did she do it?
“I don’t know, I just did it,” she says with her down to earth attitude.
She said her time at SIT was “good fun.”
She says going out to the farms and practising on pound dogs were a few of the highlights.
“(SIT) gave good opportunities”.
As well as completing her studies and working, Georgina also found time to win the Speights New Zealand Perfect Woman title in 2013.
Georgina is now a Large Animal Technician at Waikiwi Vet Services, and a qualified Veterinary Nurse.
The courses she studied at SIT enabled her to get used to the variety in her job, with one day out on a farm and the next day helping in surgery.
“If it wasn’t for SIT I wouldn’t have this job,” she says.