Kia Tū Trade Training Programme an Ongoing Success
Publish Date: Tuesday, 3 December 2024
Kia Tū Trade Training Programme an Ongoing Success
The Kia Tū pathway programme recently took 16 ākonga to visit Manapōuri Power Station, pictured here underground in the access tunnel. The programme allows ākonga to explore different career options through seeing different trades sector opportunities available to them locally.
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A collaboration between Hokonui Rūnanga, Murihiku Regeneration and Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) is helping to create pathways into training and employment by giving participants a firsthand view of what opportunities are available in the region across the trades sector.  

The Kia Tū pathway programme at SIT welcomed its second group - 16 participants - in October, who are now well underway with exploring their trades pathway options and developing their ideas about future life and work.

The group enjoyed an unforgettable experience recently when they visited the Manapōuri Power Station on 13th November. This included a ferry ride across lake Manapōuri and then exploration through the facility.

Murihiku Regeneration Kia Tū Programme Lead, Ivan Hodgetts, commented “an important part of our philosophy is ‘if you can’t see it, you can’t be it’”, explaining the programme provides the opportunity for people to see a broad range of occupations and Industry occurring in the Southland region. Other Organisations the group will visit are: South Port, Tiwai Point Aluminium Smelter, Invercargill Licensing Trust, Downers and Niagara Sawmill.

“Seeing the reality of Industry and the breadth of occupations available is great for our participants, The willingness of our partners in Industry to arrange these visits, and the stories that staff tell about their own pathway, give the participants a rich insight into the world of work,” he said.

Mr Hodgetts added another great outcome from the programme is participants building their knowledge, confidence and connection with SIT.  Several have now enrolled in further study at SIT to build the foundation of capability they will need to enter Industry. “This is helped in no small part by participants showing what they are capable of through their success in the Kia Tū programme,” he stated.

Russell Finlay, SIT Kia Tū Programme Operations Manager, Trades and Technology Faculty, agreed. “We have seen these ākonga go from strength to strength. It is really encouraging to see how they have developed, and it gives us confidence to support their enrolment in trade-related courses.”

During and after the Kia Tū programme, participants are supported by the Anamata Maia service, to make their pathway aspirations a reality. The team is enjoying working alongside each person, with encouraging outcomes to date from the first cohort who completed the course in October. Seven have now secured employment and three have enrolled in further study linked to their aspirations.

“Interest in the programme continues to be strong,” Mr Hodgetts said, adding they are now recruiting participants for a third programme starting in late January 2025. He invited more businesses to get involved and pointed to the support of sponsors and partners for the programme’s success.

“We appreciate the ongoing collaboration with SIT and Industry in our region and are grateful to businesses such as Meridian Energy for supporting the programme. If you know of employment opportunities and want to be involved in supporting our region’s people, please let us know.”

For enquiries about the programme, contact the programme coordinator: Abby email.