Asinate Waqa (Asi), made a big impact as a returning student to SIT by completing a research project which sought to address pedestrian safety and accessibility at a busy Invercargill inner-city intersection. She finished 2024 on a high note, by winning first prize in the SIT ‘3MT’ Three-minute Thesis competition with a speech and poster presentation on the project.
Asi studied the Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering major); her winning research project, “Design of Pedestrian Access at the Intersection of Forth and Ythan Streets”, was part of the requirements for the third year of the degree. Drawing on her experience working in the roading sector in the Manawatu region from 2019 to 2023, Asi said upon returning to Invercargill, “one of the first things I noticed was how unsafe the intersection was”.
Her research revealed the need for improved pedestrian facilities and accessibility, especially crossing locations, and produced findings which promote a change to better safety practices by highlighting the value of preventative measures at that location.
Asi admitted public speaking wasn’t really her thing. “To win [the competition] means a lot. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and has developed my confidence,” recalling how her supervisor had encouraged her by saying “you have to be uncomfortable to grow”. And she has no regrets that she took up the challenge. “I’m grateful to the people who pushed me to go through with [it].”
Originally from Fiji, Asi immigrated to New Zealand with her family as an eight-year-old. In Fijian culture, typically “[public speaking] is not something girls my age are aspiring to do”, she explained, and appreciated the wonderful support from her Invercargill-based cousin, who she describes as “my support system, who believed in me, my project and my ideas. I’m grateful they saw it from my lens.”
Asi’s first stint at SIT was when she moved from Auckland to study a Diploma in Engineering in 2017. She remembers arriving in Invercargill and thinking “there’s nothing to do here!” But it was just what she needed to focus on her studies. The youngest in her family, Asi acknowledges “I was super dependent on my parents and older sibling. Anything I asked for, I’d get.” Coming to SIT, she realised “I’ve got some growing up to do. It was the perfect opportunity to reinvent myself. There is another, better version of you waiting at the end of your qualification.”
Immediately employed after graduating at the end of 2018, Asi said the diploma opened the door to go into the roading sector. Having to apply for numerous jobs, and competing for roles with other graduates, was also a growth experience, “...putting myself out there ... it’s been a confidence building journey”, she said.
In 2017, Asi was the only Pacific Islander in the Engineering programme; this year, she noted there were two other Pasifika students in the degree course and it was a positive to see their numbers increase. “There are people who probably don’t see themselves in this space,” she said; being involved in Invercargill’s Pasifika community meant having the chance to be a role model to others.
Asi got involved in mentoring on campus through the Tuakana Teina programme and endorsed the support they offered. “I don’t like asking for help; if I feel this way, other students may feel this way too,” she reasoned. PIACT had been very helpful and supportive to Asi, as had Sam Sala (Pasifika Liaison) and Asha (Student Support Services).
“Back in 2017 we didn’t have those services and now we do. You want people to transition well, from out of the area, even out of the country.”
This was a journey that Asi had personally experienced and now understood it as an adult. “As a child you don’t understand, even what your parents gave up moving here. They really sacrificed a lot ... the cultures are so different. I’m so grateful to my parents for their bravery; for their leap of faith.”
Recognising her opportunities were what her parents moved to NZ for, Asi said she was going to make the most of it. “There are so many people in Fiji who don’t have this privilege, I’m just going to do it!” She also has a strong faith which helps to guide her. “In all that I do, I give full credit to my King, Jesus Christ - who has provided for me, paved my way, and refined it. He sacrificed His life for me to achieve greatness and never lack in life.”
Asi felt an affinity with Southland and Southlanders. “There are so many really good quality people here who just get on with it. Southland feels a bit like Fiji. It’s a little laid back compared to the rest of NZ. The people are different down here. There’s more of a sense of community.”
Asi came back to Invercargill to complete her engineering degree, because SIT gave her access to quality learning and affordability. “The Zero Fees Scheme, it’s a gift to Southland and a blessing to the rest of New Zealand.” She got her driver’s licence and bought a car, because of the Zero Fees Scheme. “It was really important for my career; I needed it. It was meant to be.”
This time around, Asi said it almost felt like doing the research was a way of giving back to the city. “I’ve learnt so much about myself [here]. It would be the icing on the cake if the research and recommendations for the intersection caught the attention of local roading agencies.”