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Yes, this is optional for SIT2LRN students and costs $10.

If you would like one, please contact your course administrator (details on the programme page of Blackboard). You will need to provide a passport-style photograph and photo ID.

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Applicants whose first language is not English, or who come from a country where the language of instruction in schools is not English, must provide evidence of having passed such tests of English language competence as have been approved by the Academic Board.

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  • Once you have been accepted into a course you will receive an email or letter from us letting you know the conditions of your acceptance. If you have selected invoice as your form of payment you will be sent an invoice with your conditional acceptance letter. The invoice provides the information on how to pay by credit card, cheque or by internet banking. Student loan applicants will also be sent an acceptance letter and invoice. It is your responsibility to apply directly to Studylink if you would like to pay by student loan.
  • Once payment has been received an Important Information booklet and Enrolment Confirmation letter with your login details will be posted to you – please use this to familiarise yourself with our on-line learning environment (Blackboard) and SIT2LRN in general. Students only receive one Important Information booklet each year.
  • Prior to the intake start date you will be sent a Time to Get Started letter confirming your intake details along with any study material required for the course such as DVDs, art kit etc. From the intake start date you will have access to the on-line course material (study guides, readings etc.) on Blackboard and your Facilitator. Study calendars, assignment information and due dates are all posted on
  • If you enrol in multiple papers in one intake, you need to complete the assignments for all papers by the due dates set in Blackboard. Use a calendar to record due dates for all of your papers, then arrange your study to meet the deadlines. It is your responsibility to organise your study so that you meet all of the due dates for all of your papers. In some programmes this will mean working sequentially on papers (i.e. one after the other) but in other programmes this will mean working on all papers concurrently (i.e. all at the same time)
  • Most assignments are submitted to your Facilitator via Blackboard. Interior Décor and some Adult Education assignments are submitted by post.
  • Approximately 6-8 weeks after the intake end date you will receive a progress report or transcript (issued only if you have completed your qualification in the current intake).
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For more information on required and recommended textbooks for this course please refer to the textbook list here.


Please note that textbooks need to be ordered at least 3-4 weeks prior to the commencement of your study.

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During the enrolled intake period, students have email access to Facilitators, who endeavour to respond to emails within 48 hours (week days only).All students are required, within the first two weeks of an intake, to send an email to their Facilitator confirming their start on the programme of study.

Students who have not emailed their facilitator or embarked upon their course of study by the end of the 2nd week of an intake, will be Faculty Withdrawn from the programme.

Such withdrawals may impact on future access to SIT Zero Fees Scheme. Student Direct Material Costs are still liable for payment.

All students will get an official academic transcript on successful completion of their programme of study which will be posted or given at Graduation.  After each intake is finished, it is suggested that students check their results on MySIT.

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All SIT2LRN courses require you to have a computer and internet access.

Students are required to use their SIT webmail only for all SIT2LRN communications.


All course materials and information, including assessments and due dates, are located on the online Blackboard system.


Once you have been accepted into a programme you will receive an Important Information Booklet that includes information that you can use to familiarise yourself with our online Blackboard learning environment.


From the intake start date you will have access to the online course materials to work through.

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